Light-weight Requirements Modelling and Test Case Generation: Try it yourself!
Automatically generating test cases from requirements?
We show you how. For this, we created a new way to create lightweight models for requirements. The advantage of lightweight models over text: These models can automatically generate test cases. How awesome is that? Check out our youtube demo to see the system in action:
You can find more information in two blog posts: Part 1 and Part 2. Or, check out our live demo and try it yourself:
Try Specmate Live
We now created a live instance that you can work with. If you want to have a look, check out, enter ‘demo’ as username and ‘demo’ as password to login.
In this live demo, you can find great examples for working with process models
here. Also, have a look at an example for cause-and-effect-models here. Make sure to check out the automatic test case generation for the examples.

A process for getting your money off your bank account.

The generated test suite for getting a drivers’s license in Germany.

Cause-Effect Graph for getting a drivers license in Germany.
And there is more automation to come…
Do you want to know more?
Do you need some more explanations? Let us know and we’re happy to give you a live demo in person!
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