Qualicen Snapshot – Ausgabe 2/2021 [in German]
Liebe Freunde und Freundinnen, liebe Partner*innen von Qualicen, das Jahr 2021 neigt sich langsam dem Ende. Hier kommt nun noch rechtzeitig vor den Feiertagen unser neuer Snapshot. Mit diesem Format sind wir im Dezember 2020 gestartet und wollen Sie zweimal im Jahr
Welcome, Michael Jastram!
Qualicen is never finished und in kontinuierlicher Veränderung. Dazu gehört auch, dass wir immer wieder neue Mitglieder an Board begrüßen dürfen. Seit November ist Dr. Michael Jastram neu dabei. Vielen von euch kennen ihn z.B. vom Systems Engineering Blog SE Trends oder vom Tag des Systems Engineering der GfSE. Für alle anderen ist es Zeit, ihn näher kennenzulernen!
Henning Femmer: Hallo Michael, willkommen an Bord! Wie waren deine ersten Tage?
Into NLP 6 ~ New Link Project – Dependency Parser
Today we will talk about one of my favorite tools from the toolbox of classical NLP: The Dependency Parse. Dependencies can help us analyze the grammatical structure of a text. This is incredibly useful since we can use it to
Into NLP 5 ~ Numerous Language Parts – POS Tagging
Last time we had a look at the task of text normalization as a way of simplifying matching and searching for certain words. I mentioned that for the more complex normalization techniques one needs additional information: Since nouns, verbs, and
Qualicen Snapshot – Edition 1/2021 [in German]
Liebe Freunde und Freundinnen, liebe Partner*innen von Qualicen, es ist soweit: die zweite Ausgabe unseres Snapshots - die erste im Jahr 2021 - ist fertig. Wir sind im Dezember 2020 mit diesem neuen Format gestartet und möchten uns zuerst noch einmal ganz
Into NLP 4 ~ Normal Language Perfection – Text Normalization
In my last article I talked about the benefits of tokenization regarding text processing: Essentially when we want to make processing text less awkward by separating tokens / words from the whitespace. In this article we continue cleaning up after
Into NLP 3 ~ Numerous Language Pieces – Tokenization
Previously we started our journey into the world of Natural Language Processing by learning the basics of Regular Expressions (RegEx) and fuzzy matching. While RegEx is certainly a powerful tool, it has its problems. As I wrote, Regular Expressions have a
Into NLP 2 – Fuzzy String Matching and the Edit Distance
NearLy Perfect In my last article I started with a dive into the wonderfull world of Regular Expressions. We’ve seen how RegEx are really useful for search tasks. However… They are not perfect and today we will look at one particular
Into NLP 1 – Regular Expressions
Into the Fire - A no less somewhat less nonsense introduction to NLP
Natural Language Processing? - What is NLP?
Language is messy. In our attempts to convey meaning, and emotions to each other, we have come up with some extraordinarily complex structures that need years of learning to grasp. There are countless rules and even more exceptions to those rules but somehow we manage to communicate with each other. The name, scientists have come up with for mess is natural language.
And then there are computers, machines that require a lot of structure to work. NLP is the attempt to make those two worlds meet, to have computers parse, process, and understand the language we use in our daily (natural) lifes. In the coming articles we will have a look at tools, techniques, and methods that help us deal with the chaotic complexity of natural language. We will see the many ways in which NLP will make dealing with language easier, one method at the time. Today we will start with the first:
Regular Expressions
Presenting to You: Qualicen Snapshot [in German]
Liebe Freund*innen und Partner*nnen von Qualicen, Langsam schaffen wir es nicht mehr uns mit allen Kontakten regelmäßig persönlich auszutauschen. Und manche/r scheut vielleicht die Hürde uns einfach mal auf die neuesten Entwicklungen anzusprechen. Und auch nicht jede/r hat die Zeit unseren Updates